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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 6 months ago

C31: Analyse and describe the characteristics of quadratic functions.


Originator: Nicole


Vertex: The vertex is the max or min part on the graph and is always X.X-intercept: The x intercept is where it crosses the x axis.


Y-intercept: The y intercept is where it crosses the y intercept, 

                          and is also part 'c' in the equation. (2)

Z: Z is the same distance on each side of the vertex, it is a mirror image.







                                                                                  Vertex: -B








Sample problem:


A) State the vertex of the following graph.

B) What is the y intercept?

C) What are the x intercept(s)?




A) -b        2     = (2, -1)    

    2a     2(2/4)



B) Y= 2/4X^2-2X+1     Y- intercept = 1


C) X- intercept.  

     X-Intercepts are 3.4 and .6

Comments (1)

Anonymous said

at 8:07 pm on Mar 13, 2007

Nice work Nicole.

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